A call to accelerate GENDER PARITY
A round-table of women, community groups and stakeholders will discuss the topic of gender imbalance in decision making bodies on October 20, 2018 at the Margao Residency Hall, Goa.
While the conversation on sexism and sexual harassment is expanding in India with the #MeToo campaign challenging the status quo, it is even more evident how little is done to position issues affecting womens' rights as political priorities. This is critical. Despite governmental claims that adequate resources are spent to reach women -- women from community levels to state to country continue to be struck by challenges. There is an urgent need to rapidly change the quality of women’s daily lives.
Too few women at the top means we are all losing out
Providing an environment for changing women’s lives cannot be achieved unless it is considered within a human rights context. And the job of women rights' advocacy groups is to act as pressure groups to see that this happens. Therefore, on October 20, 2018, some 50 female leaders from all streams of activities, including politics, will be meeting at a round-table on Women in Power & Decision-making: A call to accelerate gender parity and gender focussed action at the Margao Residency. Here, women from discrete spaces, varied backgrounds with heterogeneous experiences will ask; How to bring more women in decision making roles? How barriers to women’s participation in power positions can be overcome, or lessened. The round table will hear from women leaders from various fields of activities; academics, civil society, women groups, political leaders & activists, lawyers, entrepreneurs, medical practitioners, journalists, environmentalists, home-makers, etc.

Shanthala Damle, founder, Avala Hejje, Karnataka, will deliver the key note address. Tara Krishnaswamy, noted author & women rights' activist, will deliver the opening comment. The round-table will be chaired by Rajeshree Nagarsekar, chief editor, EVESCAPE and co-chaired by Archana Agnihotri, founder, Samadhan Abhiyan, Delhi.
Under the topic; Legal regulation & measures -- Gender quotas to support women’s political participation -- participants will discuss the pending women reservation bill, which if passed will allow more women to overcome highly gendered, localistic barriers. The round-table will also discuss the role of political and societal stakeholders in facilitating women to run for office and get into decision making roles. A key note address on Importance of strenghtening women’s participation in decision-making roles will be delivered. Discussion on such key issues will provide plenty of opportunity for delegates to make contributions from the floor.
The round-table assumes significance as it will help set the stage for creation of a pan-India movement to press for gender parity in decision making bodies and will thus lay the foundation for the formation of a non-partisan platform to further the agenda of gender parity across the country.

Today, we are at a crossroads. This round-table will be an opportune time, then, for female leaders to come together to share their experiences. It can be a stepping stone to serve a pragmatic purpose, identifying practical measures to dismantle barriers holding up further progress and gathering evidence on the influence of women in powerful positions.
The key takeaways projected are: looking for women leaders in all aspects of civic engagement, and encouraging the women that we know. Women taking on leadership roles at the local level - and those actively engaging with their communities - might be the next ones to run for office. Participants at the round-table will also advocate for new laws - or strengthening existing ones - when it comes to fostering a safe and welcoming work environment. It trickles from the top, so more women need to be in leadership positions.
Just as simple as that!
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