...until we meet again "I am not ashamed to say that no man I ever met was my father’s equal, and I never loved any other man as much.” — Hedy Lamarr Dad, my dearest ... Your thought makes me break into tears. The sense of your loss is overwhelming. Time has passed by but the trauma won't leave, pain won't dull, grief won't subside. The world seems to have lost its shimmer without you. Memories of you float in my mind. Some rich, some comforting, others haunting. I can write volumes on you. This note is only a brief summary of my unparalleled love and appreciation for you. Dad, Daddy, Father, Popsi, Papa...I called you by so many names. You lovingly responded to all of them. You were kind, thoughtful, gentle, loving. Your joy contagious. Supportive, encouraging, inspiring, full of wisdom. Your love, steady and real. Your will power, amazing. Selfless, humorous and handsome. You were an accomplished engineer, extremely intelligent. You lived your values fait...