MATTERS of CONCERN Crimes Against Women & Role of the Society Institutions supposedly expected to support, stand by and rally behind the victims of crime against women somehow seem to be providing only lip service or even missing from the scene when they are needed the most. When one talks to victims one realizes that bodies such as the One Stop Centers (North and South), Goa State Commission for Women, Victim Assistance Units, Childrens Commission of Goa, etc; grossly fail to reach out to the vulnerable and the victims, laments SANGEETA NAIK. Cases of atrocities on women which come to limelight time and again and more importantly the reaction of the public to these cases makes one wonder. Is the modernity that we claim to have imbibed as an advanced civilization a mere eyewash? Just beneath this thin crust of modernity and civilizedness, are we still a group with a collective irrational, crude and cruel medieval mindset? With the exception of a few a...